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GitHub package import, group sharing, and more!

🐙 GitHub package import

Make use of the utility code you've got stashed in GitHub or get access to functions in private repos! All you need to do is connect your GitHub account to Hex to access the files and function you need for your analysis!

🪑 Display tables for SQL cells

Having to add a Display Table right after previewing the output of a SQL cell always felt a little repetitive in the redundancy department. Now, not only can you add the output of your SQL table directly to your apps, you can also enrich that output as a fully-fledged Display Table!

🚻 Share projects with a group

Gather your #squad, you can now subset users into groups! Groups make sharing projects with a set of folks easy; plus we'll be adding more abilities and permissions to groups soon, stay tuned!

🦋 Hex 2.0 migration

Back in October we announced Hex 2.0 (has it really only been 6 weeks?!) and we hope you've been loving the all-new reactive re-compute model. This is a quick heads up that we'll be automatically migrating all legacy projects to Hex 2.0 before the end of the year.

What do you need to do to prepare? Nothing. Your projects will still run and return what you expect, but be faster and more intuitive for it.

Bugs squashed

  • We've upgraded to the newest release of DuckDB! This mean previous dataframe SQL issues with the datediff function and handling of decimal types in dataframes have been resolved.
  • Occasionally failed database connections were not being closed, which could lead to a build up of connections. This has been resolved.
  • Pandas style tables are no longer truncated and require scrolling.
  • Chart cells can accept columns with parenthesis in the column name.
  • We've added support for more data types which can be used in dynamically defined Input parameters.