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Calculations (Beta)

Use Calculations to write spreadsheet-style formulas in tables.


This feature is in Beta. If you are interested in using Calculations in your workspace, or have any feedback for us, reach out to [email protected].


Hex calculations allow you to write ad-hoc formulas using a familiar spreadsheet interface. Creating a formula will add a new column to your table.

Calculations can be created from both Table Displays and the Table output of SQL Cells. To get started, click the + icon at the right of a table. The formula bar will open and a new column will appear on the right. You can now type your formula using the syntax in the language documentation below. To reference columns, simply start typing the column name or click the column in the table. The formula bar will suggest matching columns as you type. Use the arrow keys to move up and down the suggestions list, and select the desired column by hitting Tab or Enter.

Press Enter or ⌘ + Enter to run the new calculated column. The formula runs for every row down the whole column; it is not possible to run a formula in a single row.

To edit an existing calculated column, either click the fx icon in the column header or click the column’s header and click “Edit formula…”

Calculated columns can be filtered, formatted, sorted, etc. just like any other column.


The Hex calculation language is designed to be familiar to any spreadsheet user. You can perform basic arithmetic using mathematical operators:

numerator / denominator

You can compose functions to perform more sophisticated logic:

If(end_date < Today(), 'Closed', 'Active')

The data types, operators, and functions that are available in the Hex calculation language are documented below.

Data types

To keep things simple, the calculation language presents only four data types: Text, Number, Boolean, and Datetime. They map to the underlying dataframe data types as follows:

Calcs TypePandas TypeSQL TypeExample Literals
TextobjectVARCHAR, CHAR'Hello!', '', null
Numberint64, float64INT, BIGINT, SMALLINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DECIMAL42, -42.0, 2.5e12, null
BooleanboolBOOLEANTrue, False, null
Datetimedatetime64DATE, DATETIME, TIMESTAMPnull

Note that there are no datetime literals (besides null); datetime inputs to functions have to be column references.


OperatorDescriptionInput Data TypesReturn Type
&Concatenates two text values.Text & TextText
+Adds two numbers.Number + NumberNumber
-Subtracts one number from another.Number - NumberNumber
*Multiplies one number by another.Number * NumberNumber
/Divides one number by another. Hex automatically protects you from divide-by-zero errors.Number / NumberNumber
^Raises one number to the power of another. Number ^ NumberNumber
%Modulo. Returns the remainder when dividing one number by another.Number % NumberNumber
AND / &&Logical ANDBoolean AND BooleanBoolean
OR / ||Logical ORBoolean OR BooleanBoolean
NOT / !Logical NOTBoolean NOT BooleanBoolean
=Evaluates if one value equals another.Number = Number Text = Text Datetime = DatetimeBoolean
>=Evaluates if one number is greater than or equal to another.Number >= Number Datetime >= DatetimeBoolean
>Evaluates if one number is strictly greater than another.Number > Number Datetime > DatetimeBoolean
<=Evaluates if one number is less than or equal to another.Number <= Number Datetime <= DatetimeBoolean
<Evaluates if one number is strictly less than another.Number < Number Datetime < DatetimeBoolean
!= / <>Evaluates if one value is not equal to another.Number != Number Text != Text Datetime != DatetimeBoolean


FunctionCategoryDescriptionReturn TypeExample
Concat(text_1, ..., text_n)📝 TextConcatenates multiple text values together into one. Equivalent to the & operator.

text: A text value to concatenate. Any number of additional text values can be added.
TextConcat('Jane', ' ', 'Doe') → ‘Jane Doe’
Length(text)📝 TextCounts the number of characters in text.

text: A text value to measure the length of.
NumberLength('Hex') → 3
Left(text, n)📝 TextReturns the first n characters of text.

text: A text value to take the first n characters of.
n: The number of characters to take.
TextLeft('abcd', 3) → ‘abc’
Right(text, n)📝 TextReturns the last n characters of text.

text: A text value to take the last n characters of.
n: The number of characters to take.
TextRight('abcd', 3) → ‘bcd’
Lower(text)📝 TextConverts a text value to lowercase.

text: A text value to make lowercase.
TextLower('Jane Doe') → ‘jane doe’
Upper(text)📝 TextConverts a text value to uppercase.

text: A text value to make uppercase.
TextUpper('Jane Doe') → ‘JANE DOE’
Contains(text, search_text)📝 TextReturns True if text contains search_text, and False otherwise.

text: A text value to search in.search_text: A text literal to search for withintext. Cannot be an expression or reference.
BooleanContains('abcd', 'abc') → True
StartsWith(text, search_text)📝 TextReturns True if text starts with search_text, and False otherwise.

text: A text value to search in.
search_text: A text literal to search for at the start of text. Cannot be an expression or reference.
BooleanStartsWith('abcd', 'abc') → True
EndsWith(text, search_text)📝 TextReturns True if text ends with search_text, and False otherwise.

text: A text value to search in.
search_text: A text literal to search for at the end of text. Cannot be an expression or reference.
BooleanEndsWith('abcd', 'bcd') → True
Abs(number)🧮 MathComputes the absolute value of number.

number: A number to take the absolute value of.
NumberAbs(-3) → 3
Ceiling(number)🧮 MathRounds up number to the nearest integer.

number: A number to round up.
NumberCeiling(3.14) → 4
Floor(number)🧮 MathRounds down number to the nearest integer.

number: A number to round down.
NumberFloor(3.14) → 3
Power(number, power)🧮 MathRaises number to the power of power. Functionally equivalent to ^.

number: A number to raise by the power of power.
power: The power to raise number by.
NumberPower(3, 2) → 9
Sqrt(number)🧮 MathTakes the square root of number.

number: The number to take the square root of.
NumberSqrt(9) → 3
Exp(power)🧮 MathRaises the mathematical constant e to the power of power.

power: The power to raise e by.
NumberExp(1) → 2.718281828459045
Round(number)🧮 MathRounds number up or down to the nearest integer.

number: The number to round.
NumberRound(3.14) → 3
If(condition, value_if_true, value_if_otherwise)🔀 LogicalReturns value_if_true if condition is True, and value_if_otherwise otherwise.

condition: An expression resulting in True or False.
value_if_true: A value to return if condition is True.
value_if_otherwise: A value to return if condition is not True. Must be the same data type as value_if_true.
Text, Number, Boolean, or DatetimeIf(num % 2 = 0, 'Even', 'Odd')
Switch(switch_value, if_matches_1, result_1, ..., if_matches_n, result_n)🔀 LogicalA more succinct and readable way of nesting many If() statements based on one single input value. Returns the result value corresponding to the paired if_matches value that equals the switch_value.

switch_value: The value to compare against all the if_matches values.
if_matches_1: The first value to compare against switch_value. If they are equal, the function returns result_1. Otherwise, it compares switch_value to the next if_matches value.
result_1: The value to return if switch_value equals if_matches_1.
Text, Number, Boolean, or DatetimeSwitch(status_code, 1, 'Processing', 2, 'Confirmed', 3, 'Shipped', 4, 'Delivered')
Coalesce(value_1, ..., value_n)🔀 LogicalReturns the first non-null value.

value_1: A value to return if not null. If null, the next value input is considered, and so on.
Text, Number, Boolean, or DatetimeCoalesce(null, 0, 42) → 0
IsFinite(number) 🔀 LogicalReturns True if number is not null, not NaN, and not Inf. Otherwise, returns False.

number: A number to check for being finite.
BooleanIsFinite(42) → True
IsOneOf(value, match_1, ..., match_n)🔀 LogicalReturns True if value equals any of match.

value: A value to compare against all the match values.
match_1: The first value to compare against value. If they are equal, the function returns True. Otherwise, it compares value to the next match value.
BooleanIsOneOf(1, 2, 3, 4) → False (1 is not equal to 2, 3, or 4)
IsNull(value)🔀 LogicalReturns True if value is null, and False otherwise.

value: A text, number, boolean, or datetime value to check for being null.
BooleanIsNull(null) → True
ToText(number)🪄 CastingConverts number into a text data type.

number: A number to convert to text.
TextToText(123) → ‘123’
ToNumber(text)🪄 CastingConverts text into a number data type.

text: A text value to convert to a number.
NumberToNumber('123') → 123
ToDatetime(text)🪄 CastingConverts text into a datetime data type.

text: A text value to convert to a datetime.
DatetimeToDatetime('2024-02-19') → 2024-02-19T00:00:00
ToBoolean(number)🪄 CastingConverts number into a boolean data type, where 0 is False and 1 is True.

number: A number to convert to a boolean.
BooleanToBoolean(0) → False
Year(datetime) Quarter(datetime) Month(datetime) Day(datetime) Hour(datetime) Minute(datetime) Second(datetime) Millisecond(datetime)📅 Date & TimeExtracts the date part specified in the function name from datetime.

datetime: A datetime value to extract from.
NumberDay('2024-02-14') → 14
TruncYear(datetime) TruncMonth(datetime) TruncDay(datetime) TruncHour(datetime) TruncMinute(datetime) TruncSecond(datetime)📅 Date & TimeTruncates datetime down to the nearest datepart as specified in the function name.

datetime: A datetime value to be truncated.
DatetimeTruncMonth('2024-02-14 10:31:50') → 2024-02-01 00:00:00
Now()📅 Date & TimeReturns the current date and time.

DatetimeNow() → 2024-02-15 13:04:56
Today()📅 Date & TimeReturns the current date.

DatetimeToday() → 2024-02-15

Functions are canonically written in PascalCase (e.g. TruncDay(); not TRUNCDAY() or truncDay()), although the language itself is not case sensitive so you can type in whichever case you prefer.

Other Syntax

()Grouping, mostly used for order of operations on arithmetic.(a+b)/c
``Wrapper for column references. Only required if the column name contains special characters such as a whitespace.`My Column`


The result of a calculation will be null if null is one of the formula's arguments, and substituting the null argmument with different values would produce different outcomes. For example, startswith(null, 'Hello') returns null because substituting null with different values produces different outcomes (substituting with Hello produces True, while substituting with Hi returns False). Here are some more examples:

1 + nullnull
If(null, b, c)c
Switch(null, b, c)null
True OR nullnull
False OR nullnull
True AND nullnull
False AND nullFalse
null OR nullnull
null AND nullnull

Current Limitations

  • Not all databases support calculations with Query mode: It is not possible to configure calculations on query objects from certain connections. See the table below to understand which connections are supported.
  • Where calculations can be used: Calculations are not currently supported in Chart cells or Pivot cells.
  • No aggregations or windows: The Hex calculation language only supports scalar operations right now; i.e., operations within a single row such as +, *, Concat(), and If(). This means there are not any aggregation functions (Sum(), Min(), Max(), etc.) or window-like operations (Rank(), PercentOfTotal(), offset range inputs, etc.).
  • Column-level, not cell-level: Calculations happen on the column level. It is not possible to perform a calculation on a single row without applying it to the rest of the column. Similarly, you can only reference whole columns in your formulas. You cannot reference an individual row, or range of rows other than a whole column, in your formula.
  • No time zone handling: The datetime data type does not contain time zone information and cannot convert time zones.
  • No calculations on calculations: Calculations may not reference other calculated columns.
  • Parameterization not supported: It is not currently possible to reference variables from your project inside of formulas.

Supported connections

The below table details which data connections are supported when it comes to using Calculations on query objects.

CloudSQL (MySQL)
CloudSQL (PostgreSQL)
CloudSQL (MS SQL Server)
MS SQL Server