📄️ Data connections introduction
Connect your Hex data notebooks directly to your data warehouse or other database.
📄️ Allow connections from Hex IP addresses
Add Hex IP addresses to your allow list if your data source is behind a firewall.
📄️ Snowpark integration
Use Snowpark directly from a Hex project to manage memory while working with large datasets. Operations on Snowpark dataframes are executed on Snowflake's infrastructure.
📄️ Snowflake OAuth
Configure Snowflake OAuth to require users to authenticate into your Hex workspace's Snowflake data connection with user-specific Snowflake credentials.
📄️ BigQuery DataFrames integration - BETA
Use BigQuery DataFrames directly from a Hex project to manage memory while working with large datasets. Operations on BigQuery DataFrames are executed on BigQuery's infrastructure.
📄️ Connect via SSH
Connect your Hex data notebooks to your data source via SSH.
📄️ Hex dbt Integrations
Integrate Hex with your dbt metadata and/or dbt Semantic layer.