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Statuses and Categories

Use statuses and categories to label projects and components


Manage and organize your workspace with statuses. Statuses can be applied to projects and components.

They can be used to indicate quality or intended usage to other members of your workspace.

By default, Hex workspaces include three categories: In development, Completed and Certified. The Certified status is an Endorsed status


Categories can used to group and find projects, components, and data within your workspace.

By default, Hex workspaces include statuses that represent team names (e.g. Product, Marketing, and Ops) as well as project types (e.g. Dashboard, Deep dive, and Feature engineering).

Customizing statuses and categories

Admins can add new statuses and categories, or edit existing ones, by heading to SettingsOrganization.

Any changes to a status or category will automatically be reflected on all assets it has been applied to.


Deleting a status or category will remove it from all projects it is currently assigned to, and cannot be undone. You can re-create the category with the same name, but it will have to be manually re-assigned to projects.

Using statuses and categories

To update the status or category of a project or component, head to the Notebook view of a project or component, and edit it in the top left-hand corner, above the project title.

Admins and Managers can update categories and statuses of any Project or Component they have Can View access to without granting themselves additional access (for Admins, this means all projects and components). Users with the Editor role require Can edit or Full access to a project to apply a status or category.

Once applied to an asset, categories and statuses can be used by all users filter the Projects view.

Endorsed statuses

  • Endorsed statuses are available on the Team and Enterprise plans.
  • Users will need the Admin role to configure a status as an Endorsed status
  • Users will need the Admin or Manager workspace role to apply an endorsed status to a project

Endorsed statuses indicate that a project, component has been endorsed for wider use. To configure an endorsed status, head to Settings, then Organization.

To ensure that only a select number of users can endorse assets, users need the Admin or Workspace Manager role to apple endorsed statuses to projects and components. Editors will not be able to apply an endorsed status.

Endorsed statuses can also optionally enforce reviews on a project or component. Once an Admin or Manager has applied a status that enforces reviews, all subsequent changes will need to be reviewed before publishing.

Endorsed statuses are visually distinct from regular statuses — they have a customizable icon, and a filled-in background, to make them more prominent for consumers of projects.

Projects that have been published, and have an Endorsed status also appear in the Library.


The Library is a homepage view that organizes the knowledge created by your team for wider consumption.

It only displays published apps with an Endorsed status, ensuring that only content vetted by Admins or Managers is rendered in this view.

All users of a Hex workspace can access the Libray. Like other project views, only projects that users have permission to view will be listed in the Library.

Legacy Library configuration

Workspaces that configured Library statuses prior to May 2024 may have an additional In library toggle.

If this is configured, both Library statuses and any Endorsed statuses will be used to populate the Library.


If your workspace is using Library statuses, consider converting them to Endorsed statuses. Any Editor can add a Library status to a project they have Can Edit access to, whereas only Admins and Managers can add Endorsed statuses, creating a higher signal collection of projects in the Library.