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SSH data connections

Prepare the SSH host


You will need a host in your environment that can access the data source you would like to connect to from Hex. This host is often referred to as a bastion and must have a port accessible from Hex. SSH uses port 22 by default.

Configure SSH access

On the bastion host, create a group and a user named hex then switch to this user. This user will be the SSH user used for tunneling.


If the bastion host already has a user for tunneling, this section may be skipped in favor of using that user.

$ sudo groupadd hex
$ sudo useradd -m -g hex hex
$ sudo su - hex

Create a .ssh directory and authorized_keys files with appropriate permissions for the hex user.

$ mkdir ~/.ssh
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ touch authorized_keys
$ chmod 600 authorized_keys

Add your Workspace's Hex SSH public key to the bastion


You must be a workspace Admin to access the SSH public key.

Copy the public key from the bottom of the SettingsData sources tab, under the "Workspace" header.

Import the public key into the authorized_keys file using the command below. Please replace <PUBLIC_KEY> with the public key.

echo "<PUBLIC KEY>" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Configure data connections to use SSH

Once your ssh host is prepared with the public key. You can configure your data connections in Hex to use SSH. Toggle Connect via SSH on in your data connection configuration and add the details for:

  • SSH machine hostname or IP address
  • SSH port. This is usually 22.
  • SSH username ("hex" in our example)