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Embed apps and cells

Embed published Apps or cells in Medium, Salesforce, Confluence, or other iframe-compatible websites. Or embed in a Notion page with Hex's Notion integration.


Embed an app

To embed an entire app, click the Embedding button in the bottom right of the Share dialog to copy the embed code to your clipboard. You can now paste that code into your other webpage.

Embed Hex menu

You can specify input parameter selections in the embedded app URL by following the formatting outlined here. When setting a parameter inside of an embed src string, you'll need to UTF-8 encode the parameter value. For example, you'll need to use the UTF-8 character for double quotes, %22, in place of ".

To embed an app into Notion, just copy and paste the link to the published app into Notion and choose "Paste as preview" or "Paste as mention" when prompted. The first time you generate a preview in Notion, you'll be prompted to connect to Hex.

Embed a cell

Individual cells from projects can also be embedded in other websites. From the Notebook view, use the Embed button in the cell options dialog to copy the embed code to your clipboard.

You'll be prompted to copy either an embeddable link (for officially supported tools like Notion) or embed code (for a general purpose iframe).

Embed modal options


How do permissions work for iframe embeds?

The permissions for apps and cells embedded via iframes are the same as if that user were to open the link in a separate tab in your browser.

For example:

  • If anyone with the link should be able to view the embedded resource then you'll need to toggle on the Share to web option in your project.
  • If only a subset of users have permission to view then they are the only folks who'll be able to access it, so long as they are logged into Hex. Anyone else will see an "Access Denied" message.

When a user pastes a link to a Hex app or cell in Notion, they will be prompted to generate a preview. That preview will be viewable by anyone who has access to the Notion page, no matter what their permissions on the Hex project are.

While this makes it convenient to share Hex projects with other users in your Notion workspace, it also effectively gives all Notion users the "Can View App" permission on your Hex project. As a result, only users with "Full Access" or "Can Edit" project permissions can generate a preview in Notion – users with "Can Explore" or "Can View App" permissions will not be able to generate a preview. This is in line with how permissions work within Hex: users with "Can Edit" project permissions and above are able to share projects with additional users, but users with "Can Explore" and "Can View App" permissions cannot.

The exception here is projects that are shared with the web: anyone with a Hex login can generate a preview for these projects.

Can I prevent users from embedding projects in Notion?

Admins can turn off the ability for users in their workspace to embed projects in Notion by heading to the Admin panel, then Security and disabling the Allow Notion Link Previews toggle.

Does Notion embedding work in the Notion app?

For multi-tenant customers, Notion link previews work in both the browser and the Notion app. For single-tenant customers, Notion embedding only works in the browser. Due to Notion's connected app architecture, Notion embeds for single-tenant customers use iframe embedding, which relies on authorizing through your browser.