Run stats
Run stats provide a detailed view of cell and project run time.
Run stats allow Notebook editors to understand the runtime performance and profile of their project by providing an overview of each cell’s execution, with time spent queuing, reading from and writing to cache, executing, and processing.
Navigate run stats
Access run stats via the Run button dropdown in the upper right corner of your project. Select the timestamp of your run from the date time dropdown in the upper left corner of the run stats modal.
You'll see any notebook runs for the existing app session, up to two days old. Every run of the entire notebook, a selection of cells, or a singular cell, will produce a new profile labeled with the date and time. If you see No runs found upon opening the run stats, there are no runs for the existing session. Run your notebook to see stats on project and cell runs.
Run level stats
The top of the run stats provides some overall information about the run, as well as the legend used for interpreting the per cell information that follows. Here you'll see the total run time, the total time spent reading from and writing to, as well as kernel initialization time.
- Total: The total time spent executing the selected run.
- Cache: The total time spent reading from and writing to Hex's SQL cache.
- Kernel initialization: The time spent initializing your kernel to run the cells in your project. This is impacted by time spent loading files and imported GitHub packages
In the top right of the modal, you can filter by type of cell, searching cell name or sorting by slowest to fastest, fastest to slowest, or execution order of cells.
Cell level stats
Click into an individual cell to view the time spent queueing, running, processing and reading to and writing from cache.
The legend explains the time spent:
- Queued: The time spent waiting in the ‘queue’ to execute. Typically this is time spent waiting for upstream cells.
- Running: The time spent running a cell. Notice that cells run during the ‘queue’ time of other cells.
- Processing: The time spent processing the cell’s query or command output within Hex before displaying the output.
- Cache: The time spent reading from and writing to Hex’s cache.