Audit logs event reference
Audit log event schema
Hex audit logs are emitted in JSON format. Some notable fields in the schema are:
- action: type of action taken
- actor: identifies the user or client (e.g. API) making the request
- context: the location (IP address) and user agent of the actor
- targets: Hex resources that are affected or created by this action
The following is an example event object:
"actor": {
"id": "b44446e6-8264-4af5-a856-fdc2fa8fe132",
"type": "USER",
"metadata": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"workspace": "Hex",
"workspaceId": "57c59cf9-c943-4386-afb5-75df1af3b2f7"
"action": "RUN_CELL",
"context": {
"location": "",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
"targets": [
"id": "f426633a-0993-4bbc-be6a-740e28da2596",
"type": "project",
"metadata": {
"representation": "{\"id\":\"f426633a-0993-4bbc-be6a-740e28da2596\",\"createdDate\":\"2024-04-08T20:15:06.337Z\",\"updatedDate\":\"2024-04-12T15:38:25.265Z\",\"archivedDate\":null,\"creatorId\":\"b44446e6-8264-4af5-a856-fdc2fa8fe132\",\"canEditorsShare\":true,\"projectLanguage\":\"PYTHON\",\"hexType\":\"PROJECT\",\"organizationRole\":null,\"publicRole\":null}"
"id": "60d9ac4d-7eb2-4638-9423-61bdf8a331ef",
"type": "project_version",
"metadata": {
"representation": "{\"id\":\"60d9ac4d-7eb2-4638-9423-61bdf8a331ef\",\"createdDate\":\"2024-04-08T20:15:06.337Z\",\"updatedDate\":\"2024-04-12T15:38:25.127Z\",\"title\":\"Sample Project\",\"description\":\"\",\"hexId\":\"f426633a-0993-4bbc-be6a-740e28da2596\",\"creatorId\":\"b44446e6-8264-4af5-a856-fdc2fa8fe132\",\"timezone\":null,\"version\":\"draft\",\"published\":false,\"import\":false,\"kernelSize\":\"medium\",\"autoRerun\":true,\"cacheAppState\":true}"
"id": "340ba95d-465a-44d2-8b04-8a83c6c5b1e5",
"type": "cell",
"metadata": {
"representation": "{\"id\":\"2e56c683-8151-4071-918f-0050ce854637\",\"createdDate\":\"2024-04-08T20:15:17.810Z\",\"updatedDate\":\"2024-04-08T20:15:17.810Z\",\"cellType\":\"SQL\"}"
"version": 1,
"metadata": {
"result": "SUCCESS",
"requestArgs": "{\"hexId\":\"f426633a-0993-4bbc-be6a-740e28da2596\",\"hexVersionId\":\"60d9ac4d-7eb2-4638-9423-61bdf8a331ef\",\"cellId\":\"2e56c683-8151-4071-918f-0050ce854637\"}",
"failureReason": ""
"occurred_at": "2024-04-12T15:38:27.073Z"
Audit log target resource types
The following resource types appear as target resources in audit log events:
Resource type | Notes |
Cell | A cell in a Hex project |
Collection | A collection of Hex projects and components |
Data connection | A connection to an external data warehouse |
Domain | A domain allowed to be associated with your Hex workspace |
External file integration | An integration with a cloud storage provider like AWS S3 or Google Drive |
File | A file uploaded to a Hex project |
Group | A group of Hex users that can be granted access to resources |
Project | A Hex project, component, or explore object |
Project grant | A role (viewer, editor, etc.) given to a user or group for access to a Hex project |
Project version | A specific version of a Hex project |
Project view | An object that represents an instance of a user viewing a project |
Scheduled run | A cron-like schedule on which a project is run periodically |
Scheduled run notification | A notification configured on a scheduled run, to send emails and/or Slack messages when a scheduled run completes or fails |
Secret | A secret value containing sensitive information that can be referenced in Hex projects |
Template | A Hex-provided project template |
User | A Hex user (could be email user, API user, etc.) |
Workspace | A representation of your Hex workspace |
Some event types include target resources with a type of principal. This indicates that this object can be one of multiple types. For instance, the UPDATE_PROJECT_ACCESS event type includes a principal resource which is either a Group or a User.
Audit log event types
Event type | Description | Target resource types |
| |
CREATE_PROJECT_FROM_TEMPLATE | Create a project from a template |
| |
COPY_PROJECT_FROM_EXTERNAL_WORKSPACE | Create a project by copying one from a different workspace |
IMPORT_PROJECT | Import a project from a project yaml file |
CREATE_EXPLORE_FROM_PROJECT_CELL | Create an "explore from app" from a project cell |
CREATE_EXPLORE | Create an Explore |
CONVERT_EXPLORE_TO_PROJECT | Create a project from data created while exploring from an app |
| |
RUN_PROJECT | Run a project top to bottom |
RUN_CELL | Run a single cell within a project |
| |
| |
| |
DELETE_PROJECT | Move project to trash |
| |
REQUEST_PROJECT_ROLE | A user request for an access role to a project |
GRANT_USERS_PROJECT_ACCESS | Grant a set of users an access role to a project |
GRANT_GROUPS_PROJECT_ACCESS | Grant a set of groups an access role to a project |
UPDATE_PROJECT_ACCESS | Update the access role to a project for a set of users and/or groups |
REMOVE_PROJECT_ACCESS | Remove a user or group's access to a project |
| |
| |
| |
UPDATE_PROJECT_PUBLIC_DUPLICATION_ALLOWED | Change whether or not a project can be duplicated by users in another workspace |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
ADD_PROJECTS_TO_COLLECTION | Add a set of projects to a collection |
UPDATE_COLLECTION_ROLE_IN_PROJECT | Update the access role that a collection has for a project |
CREATE_WORKSPACE_DATA_CONNECTION | Create a data connection usable across the workspace |
CREATE_PROJECT_DATA_CONNECTION | Create a data connection within a project |
| |
REFRESH_DATA_CONNECTION_SCHEMA | Trigger a refresh of the data schema for a data connection |
UPDATE_DATA_CONNECTION_MAGIC_USAGE | Update whether or not a data connection should be used for Magic generation |
IMPORT_DATA_CONNECTION | Import a data connection in a project |
REMOVE_DATA_CONNECTION_IMPORT | Unimport a data connection from a project |
| |
SET_WORKSPACE_DEFAULT_DATA_CONNECTION | Set a data connection as the default for the workspace |
| |
CREATE_PASSWORD_USER | Create a user who is allowed to login using a password |
INVITE_USERS | Invite users to join the workspace by email |
INVITE_USER_AS_ADMIN | Invite a user to join the workspace as an admin |
| |
| |
EDIT_USER | Update user metadata (excluding their workspace role) |
UPDATE_USER_ROLE | Update a user's workspace role |
REQUEST_ORG_ROLE | A user's request for a specific role in the workspace |
GRANT_USER_API_ACCESS | Allow a user to generate API tokens and use them in requessts |
REVOKE_USER_API_ACCESS | Prevent user from creating API tokens and reject requests containing tokens attributed to this user |
| |
UPDATE_GROUP | Update metadata about a group (not its users) |
UPDATE_GROUP_MEMBERS | Add or remove users from a group |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
ADD_WORKSPACE_DOMAIN | Add an allowed domain to workspace |
| |
UPDATE_SSO_CONFIGURATION | Configure SSO auth for the workspace |
UPDATE_PUBLIC_SHARING_SETTING | Update whether or not projects in the workspace can be shared publicly |
UPDATE_API_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_POLICY | Configure expiration policy for API tokens |
| |
| |
| |
SET_DIRECTORY_SYNC_ADMIN_GROUP | Set a group of users from Directory Sync to be workspace admins |
SET_DIRECTORY_SYNC_AUTHOR_GROUP | Set a group of users from Directory Sync to be workspace editors |
SET_DATA_RETENTION_CELL_OUTPUTS | Set the data retention period for cell outputs |
SET_DATA_RETENTION_QUERY_CACHE | Set the data retention period for query cache entries |
CREATE_WORKSPACE_SECRET | Create a shared workspace secret |
EDIT_WORKSPACE_SECRET | Modify properties of a shared workspace secret |
| |
IMPORT_WORKSPACE_SECRET | Import a shared workspace secret into a project |
UNIMPORT_WORKSPACE_SECRET | Unimport a shared workspace secret from a project |
CREATE_PROJECT_SECRET | Create a secret usable within a single project |
EDIT_PROJECT_SECRET | Modify properties of a project-scoped secret |
| |
CREATE_SCHEDULED_RUN_NOTIFICATION | Create a new notification for a scheduled run |
EDIT_SCHEDULED_RUN_NOTIFICATION | Edit an existing notification for a scheduled run |
DELETE_SCHEDULED_RUN_NOTIFICATION | Delete an existing notification for a scheduled run |