Saved views
Bookmark combinations of inputs as a saved view, to create a shortcut to relevant information for yourself or other app viewers.
Saved views are a way to save a combination of inputs¹ on an app. Once a saved view is created, it provides a link for App viewers to get to relevant information faster. Saved views can be made visible to all users of an app.

Saved views can also be scheduled to refresh on a cadence, and can be used to trigger customized notifications.
¹Inputs include input cells, filter cells, and project filters.
- Available on the Team and Enterprise plans.
- Users with Can Edit project permissions can create a saved view and list the view for other users.
- Users with Can Explore project permissions can create a saved view that is not listed for other users.
- Users with Can View App permission can access saved views that other users have listed.
Create a saved view
To create a saved view, set the inputs on an app to the values you’d like to bookmark. Then, select the Save view dropdown that appears in the top of the screen. Name your view, and select New view.
Access saved views
Apps with saved views will show a Default view badge in app header, which indicates that other views are available. If an app does not have any saved views available, no indicator will appear in the app header.
Select the Default view badge to list out other saved views — select another view to see its results.

The default view of an app is the combination of inputs selected when the app was most recently published.
List a saved view for others
If a saved view will be useful for others, consider listing it to make it accessible to all viewers on the app. To list a view, select it as the active view, and then select the "eye" icon to change its visibility. Users need Can edit project permissions to list a view for others.

Update saved views
Users with Can Edit (or higher) project permissions can update any saved view, while users with Can Explore can only update saved views they have created.
To update a saved view press the pencil icon next to the view’s name and change any inputs that you want to update. You can also rename. Select Update view to save your changes, or New view to save this as a new view.

Delete saved views
Users with Can Edit (or higher) project permissions can delete any saved view, while users with Can Explore can only update saved views they have created.
Saved views can be deleted from the Edit screen, accessible from the pencil icon next to the view’s name. Select the trash icon to delete a view. Deleting a listed view will delete the view for all users who have access to that view.
Schedule a saved view
Saved app views can be scheduled via scheduled runs, which allows users to:
- Refresh the saved view so that it shows up-to-date results
- Trigger notifications, including customized conditional notifications
To schedule a view, select the Scheduled runs & Notifications item in the three-dot menu in the top right-hand corner of the app. When configuring a new schedule, or editing an existing one, select the views to be refreshed in the dropdown.